Things that annoy you...


Legend in my own mind
When people say "Can I get a..." I don't know why but it winds me up.

The worst though is when people use the word 'literally' when the mean figuratively. "I literally died" Did you??? Did you really???
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
When people say "Can I get a..." I don't know why but it winds me up.

The worst though is when people use the word 'literally' when the mean figuratively. "I literally died" Did you??? Did you really???
Had a friend years ago who used dead as an adjective for example dead boring. Got a bit much the day she said He's like dead alive to describe someone as energetic.

And then there's the people I've worked with. I work at a vet clinic and I could not tell you how many times I've seen someone try to turn the word pus into an adjective by adding the letters S and Y.
I hear what you're saying, but pussy is perfectly correct to use as an adjective describing something that is pus-filled.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Had a friend years ago who used dead as an adjective for example dead boring. Got a bit much the day she said He's like dead alive to describe someone as energetic.
That's dead wrong.

I hear what you're saying, but pussy is perfectly correct to use as an adjective describing something that is pus-filled.
Pussy doesn't belong in a medical record. Full stop.

Also nine times out of ten, people at the office can't even spell pus correctly and end up typing puss.

John, this may be a dumb question but have you tried melatonin from your local grocery? Not to be gross but, 3 things:

Melatonin, a quick wank after a hearty meal, and some boring commentary. Sweet dreams, I hope...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
John, this may be a dumb question but have you tried melatonin from your local grocery? Not to be gross but, 3 things:

Melatonin, a quick wank after a hearty meal, and some boring commentary. Sweet dreams, I hope...
I tried melatonin. I was speeding all night. Some people react the opposite to meds and supplements. Sleeping pills do the same. I've tried them for long haul flights and I could run a marathon.

John, this may be a dumb question but have you tried melatonin from your local grocery? Not to be gross but, 3 things:

Melatonin, a quick wank after a hearty meal, and some boring commentary. Sweet dreams, I hope...
Well, from experience I can tell you, and advise others as well, as arrogant that may seem, not to take any kind of sleeping pills. Some of them are addictive. I've been on Normabel for decades. Hell, my dad says it developes a worse addiction than heroin. Makes sense, unfortunately. Of course they'll put something addictive in, so you have to buy it again. Not another word from me though. I might get shot by a pharmaceutic mob agent. Living dangerously here.

John, this may be a dumb question but have you tried melatonin from your local grocery? Not to be gross but, 3 things:

Melatonin, a quick wank after a hearty meal, and some boring commentary. Sweet dreams, I hope...
Well, from experience I can tell you, and advise others as well, as arrogant that may seem, not to take any kind of sleeping pills. Some of them are addictive. I've been on Normabel for decades. Hell, my dad says it developes a worse addiction than heroin. Makes sense, unfortunately. Of course they'll put something addictive in, so you have to buy it again. Not another word from me though. I might get shot by a pharmaceutic mob agent. Living dangerously here.

If all else fails, sacrifice routine and a couple days for deficit management. Wake up early when you fill stomach ill, exercise for 30 mins without a stroke, carry on till bed time, go past your sleep target, get wound up then crash at 11am. F(u,ck it. It's worth a solid 5 hrs sleep. Good luck!

that my girlfriend talking all the time, even now when im writing this, I swear!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
that my girlfriend talking all the time, even now when im writing this, I swear!
LOL. As long as she isnt talking about reality tv just go with it and tune out.

LOL. As long as she isnt talking about reality tv just go with it and tune out.

After delivering some wine to a convenience store today I decided I wanted an ice cream bar. I picked one out, went to the counter, and the cashier told me $1.99. I gave him $2.00 and stood there for a moment when he said, "do you want your penny?" I was caught off guard but said yes immediately, not because I needed the penny obviously. I thought this was poor form by the cashier. Has this happened to anyone else?

After delivering some wine to a convenience store today I decided I wanted an ice cream bar. I picked one out, went to the counter, and the cashier told me $1.99. I gave him $2.00 and stood there for a moment when he said, "do you want your penny?" I was caught off guard but said yes immediately, not because I needed the penny obviously. I thought this was poor form by the cashier. Has this happened to anyone else?
It happens all the time here in CT. I buy a 99 cents bottle of water, which costs me $1 since nobody will give you back a penny.

After delivering some wine to a convenience store today I decided I wanted an ice cream bar. I picked one out, went to the counter, and the cashier told me $1.99. I gave him $2.00 and stood there for a moment when he said, "do you want your penny?" I was caught off guard but said yes immediately, not because I needed the penny obviously. I thought this was poor form by the cashier. Has this happened to anyone else?
Although a lot of people don't want the penny or dislike carrying them around, the cashier shouldn't even ask - it's owed you. As a point of good business it should be the customer's prerogative to say keep it or not.

This reminds me of a non-stop occurrence that happened as recently as today: every store I frequent now asks me if I want to give to a charity at the checkout. As soon as one charity ends another begins. I had to stop at 3 different stores today and got solicited for charities 3 times.

I do shopping for the elderly plus my own family, so I'm at the supermarket many times a week. I get tired of being asked (and sometimes I start explaining that I shop for others and it's the fifth time I've been asked in the last couple days). And it's also like a guilt trip - sometimes when you refuse the cashier or the people behind you give you a look like, "Wow - you can afford all this food, but you're too cheap to give a dollar to wounded veterans!"

It also contributes to delays, especially when they ask after the customer's credit card has been charged, then the customer agrees and goes looking for a dollar, but can't find one, so then they have to do another separate charge on their card. I have nothing against soliciting for charities, but it should not be part of the checkout process as it causes various transaction complications which cause backups & confusion in an already lengthy, frustrating and sometimes stressful situation.

After delivering some wine to a convenience store today I decided I wanted an ice cream bar. I picked one out, went to the counter, and the cashier told me $1.99. I gave him $2.00 and stood there for a moment when he said, "do you want your penny?" I was caught off guard but said yes immediately, not because I needed the penny obviously. I thought this was poor form by the cashier. Has this happened to anyone else?

Several years ago, I was in a store in the mall and my total was something ending with 96 cents. (I don't remember the dollar amount, but it was probably only a few dollars.) When the cashier gave me my change, she only gave me the bills, but no coins. Her comment was "I don't have any pennies, so I'm keeping the 4 cents.". She didn't ask me. She just told me that that's what she was doing.

I told her that wasn't okay, it was MY 4 cents, and it she didn't have any pennies, she could give me a nickel instead. She refused, and when I asked to speak to the manager, she said that she was the manager, so I reported her to Mall Security for theft.

The Mall security guard went with me to the store, and threatened to arrest her over the 4 cents if she didn't give it to me. He explained that even though it was a small amount, it was still theft. She gave me a nickel, and I left.

The next day, I called the store and reported what she did to the actual manager of the store, and after that, I never saw her in that store again, so I assume that she was fired over it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.