Ice Cream, Bacon, Pancakes, and a Sandwich I will bet hard money isn't vegan.
It Follows is the sort of send-up gimmicky horror movie I should enjoy, the premise here is that the
Death By Sex trope is unironically played straight to a T, in that the monster in this movie literally preys exclusively on the most recent teenager to have sex in a mysteriously sourced chain of sexual transmissions, if it finds you it ****s you to death and then turns on the person who gave it to you. Basically the worst kind of STD that isn't a straight-up flesh-eating disease.
The trick here is that while it always knows where you are, it only ever pursues you at a walking pace, and only those who've been infected can see it, although it always assumes the shape of a regular person, be it someone they know or someone random to blend into a crowd. It's a pretty neat and creepy idea to suppose yourself into a crowd of people and imagine for a moment that a single person in that crowd is slowly approaching you with the intent to kill at all times and they could be anybody. That's really cool. And I like that they made the creature fallible too, so they may assume shapes of people who look out of place in the area they're in.
I should also offer props to the audio and visuals, the music has a thick 80s synth style soundtrack that, perhaps on some days I might overlook, but I do appreciate in contrast to the usual fair. The camerawork, although a bit excessive with the pans at times does a great job of providing wide shots and the composition is great, especially with how it keeps the characters largely in focus, but still draws your eye to the background where you'll occasionally see the fixed pace of someone approaching, implying The Follower is near (I'll just call it The Follower).
It's an enjoyable slow burn of a movie most of the way until it peeters out near the end and a bit of retrospect really spoils what I think otherwise would be a solid movie.
Firstly, the concept alone, while cool, immediately runs into a rock and a hard place. The problem here is that either the movie simply becomes a chase movie or we attempt to resolve the conflict by one of two options: killing Boyfriend in revenge for infecting Main Girl, or letting Main Girl infect other people.
While I might have gone the path of petty vengeance, Main Girl decides to take the path of the destroyer by spreading the ****ing disease to other people. Thanks, Main Girl, I will from hereon refer to you as Douchebag.
Douchebag first infects Boyfriend #2, but he gets killed, so she then infects Boyfriend #3 before a hard cut to black raising questions about whether or not they die. I have a number of problems with this.
Firstly, who the **** would knowingly have sex with Douchebag? Okay, so Boyfriend #2 spits out some disposable dialog about how he doesn't believe it, okay that's fine, but Boyfriend #3 has no excuse! He broke a chair over the thing while it was invisible! He knows it killed Boyfriend #2, why would he sign on for that??? Not only that, but Boyfriend #2 doesn't really have an excuse either cause if he doesn't believe her, then he's literally sticking his dick in crazy and you know you're not supposed to do that dude.
Let's also consider the wisdom of training Douchebag to fire a gun who you believe to be crazy and thinks people who look like her friends and family are out to kill her. THAT CAN IN NO WAY GO WRONG, CAN IT?
Okay, so we've established that the only people who would propagate this garbage are either suicidal, or ********, so you're not really hitting me in the sympathy department here, movie. Also where are these kids' parents? Did they die? Was that their dead parents the monster was representing? **** if I know, all of the characters in this movie have this remarkable ability to all speak in Generic Low-Key Well-Adjusted-Upper-Middle-Class-Teenager-Talk so my eyes just glaze over every time one of them talks. One of them even reads a book on a hyper-anachronistic e-reader thing (wtf was that?), not that I remember what the book was called or about or cared. And that kinda sucks cause the movie ends on one of those lines so...
That sorta compounds with the rather crap ending the movie gets, and I know some people like how it ends, it's been compared to the
Inception ending, but I gotta disagree. Firstly, while we can only confirm two sex scenes in the movie establishing transmission, it's heavily implied, in what would otherwise be a completely worthless scene, that Douchebag found some no name characters out on a boat and infected them offscreen. This would mean (possibly, depending on unknown rules of infection) that she did not infect Boyfriend #3, but lost her ability as a carrier if No Name Boat Guys became the new carriers. Boyfriend #3 is also shown to drive past prostitutes while he is infected. The ending shows a person following both Douchebag and Boyfriend #3 at some distance before a hard cut to black, so at the very least we have several possible canon endings, and this is assuming that The Follower only targets those in the direct chain of transmissions, and not tangential transmissions (meaning you can't **** multiple people and force The Follower to hunt and kill every one of them before it gets to you, it only cares about the first person you have sex with):
1.) Boyfriend #3 is infected and being followed.
2.) Boyfriend #3 is infected, and No Name Prostitutes are being followed.
3.) Boyfriend #3 is not infected, and No Name Boat Guys are being followed.
4.) The Follower kills No Name Boat Guys offscreen, and is following Douchebag.
5.) The Follower kills No Name Prostitutes offscreen, and is following Boyfriend #3.
6.) The Follower is following somebody else entirely.
7.) The Follower is dead.
The Follower is dead is a controversial ending because while it seems to be implied with the long unresolved delay following the pool trap the kids set up, we've established that The Follower can withstand not just a bullet to the neck, but bullets to the head. The only difference between shooting it in the head on both occasions was whether it was submerged in water. Why should water deter it's ability to immediately recover from a gunshot wound to the head? The only foreshadowing of this I can think of is that it doesn't immediately enter the water upon reaching the pool, and instead attacks Douchebag indirectly by throwing things at her. If there were some other nod to this earlier in the movie, that water is somehow it's kryptonite like in
Signs or something, but I can't think of one.
Frankly, the ending just comes so abruptly and with no apparent wind-down, the twist being literally the same question that kept the rest of the movie on slow burn in the first place: "Are they being followed?" Good ****in' question, lemme just back you up and hour and the start the movie over again for you because we're back at square one in terms of narrative development. Literally all this movie is is a random cross-section of a supernatural event. We don't know how it starts and it doesn't conclusively end. It just happens, and some forgettable jagoff teenagers are involved. Whoop-di-freakin'-doo.
Also, let's me just unironically mention how I won't bring up that totally not immersion-breaking moment early in the movie where we've established that The Follower isn't dumb, but it will gladly assume the shape of a ****ed up looking lady (their dead mom???) in their kitchen, scaring away it's target immediately on sight, even though they're mere feet away and a more innocuous disguise would have probably elicited enough pause to grab her, kill her, and end the movie prematurely.
Like, how much credit should I be giving this monster? Enough to envisage and disguise itself as your family members just to mess with you, but also simultaneously too dumb to know that doing so when they're vulnerable is just a giant ****in' waste of an opportunity?
I dunno, cool monster. Disappointing ending, painfully mundane and stupid characters. Meh.