Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...


I'm not old, you're just 12.
Originally Posted by sisboombah
does anyone know the story yet? are they going to do like a pyscho remake and make it exactly the same or will they be changing it more for a more modern appeal?
I read somewhere that the new movie is going to be more true to Roald Dahl's book than the movie was, putting back the black humor and satirical elements that the film took out. I will no doubt see this, as it's like a return to form for Tim Burton after the fake Planet of The Apes. Personally, I'd like to see Alan Cummings play Willy Wonka. He has that sort of Wonka-ness to him, especially in the first Spy Kids movie. (Watch all of his parts in that, you'll see it, I hope.)
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Enemies are so stimulating.
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
I read somewhere that the new movie is going to be more true to Roald Dahl's book than the movie was, putting back the black humor and satirical elements that the film took out. I will no doubt see this, as it's like a return to form for Tim Burton after the fake Planet of The Apes. Personally, I'd like to see Alan Cummings play Willy Wonka. He has that sort of Wonka-ness to him, especially in the first Spy Kids movie. (Watch all of his parts in that, you'll see it, I hope.)
i love alan cumming....he is so funny in josie and the pussycats. love him!
I don't have Parkinson's. I inherited my shaking head from my grandfather Hepburn. I discovered that whisky helps stop the shaking. Problem is, if you're not careful, it stops the rest of you too. My head just shakes, but I promise you, it ain't gonna fall off!

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
I read somewhere that the new movie is going to be more true to Roald Dahl's book than the movie was, putting back the black humor and satirical elements that the film took out. I will no doubt see this, as it's like a return to form for Tim Burton after the fake Planet of The Apes. Personally, I'd like to see Alan Cummings play Willy Wonka. He has that sort of Wonka-ness to him, especially in the first Spy Kids movie. (Watch all of his parts in that, you'll see it, I hope.)
I love Alan Cumming. He stole that movie BTW.

I believe that Johnny Depp has been cast though, which is, in itself, not a bad thing at all.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Alan Cumming would have been perfect, but it really depends on what type of mood Burton is going to give it. I hope he goes totally creepy with it b/c i never liked the original and always thought that the character was a creepy guy.
Make it happen!

Johnny Depp will rule in this flick. After seeing Pirates, most of us should be sure of this now.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by sadesdrk
Suggestions for the part of Willy...how about Johnny Depp?
The above was posted over two years ago. Wow.

On mansons first album 'Portrait Of An American Family' theres a song called 'Dope hat'. Manson released it as a single. The video is a take off of 'Willy Wonka and the chocolate Factory'. Manson plays the role of Willy Wonka, and he does it well. I couldnt imagine anyone else playing that role.....appart from Johny Depp.....But he'd be good in any role.
The point is, Mansons perfect for it, and i'm sick of people bad mouthing him, so lame. People who do that obviousley have know idea wot he's about. Your all ignorant.

Originally Posted by SLP
Why Cant Hollywood Leave Good Movies Alone. I Personally Am Quite Upset They Are Even Considering Ruining A Wonderful Movie.
I Grew Up Watching This Movie, I Have Always Associated Gene Wilder In This Part. No One Could Take His Place.
Why Does Hollywood Always Have To Make Sequals, And Remakes. They Typically (not All The Time) Turn Out Horrible, Everyone Remembers The Original.
Its Perfect The Way It Is.
Leave Things Alone!
This Is A Classic And Should Stay That Way.
I could not say that better then how you said it!Yea!You are right!THIS IS A CLASSIC AND SHOULD STAY THAT WAY!I like how you think sister!See you around!JM
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Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
Originally Posted by franky666
Your all ignorant.
If you're going to call people ignorant, make sure your grammar is correct.

You're = you are - You're all ignorant.
your = it belongs to you - Your grammar is poor.
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I agree, Gene Wilder, cannot be replaced he was and is the Chocolate Factory. There is no way they can remake this classic. Gene Wilder has left his stamp of perfection with this character he owns this character. I hope that they do not end up making this film over.

Originally Posted by Beale the Rippe
I love Alan Cumming. He stole that movie BTW.

I believe that Johnny Depp has been cast though, which is, in itself, not a bad thing at all.
Johnny Depp is going to play Wonka, and the movie is supposed to be a tad
more true to the book. Though the original cannot be replaced I think it would be interresting to see what direction Tim Burton takes the film in. I think that Johnny Depp is a good choice.
If you are gonna kick society in the teeth, you might as well use both feet. - Keith Richards

Originally Posted by PigsnieLite
So now were talkin about ugly sexy men? Hummm, since Im a guy I cant really think of any. Is john malkovitch sexy? I saw tha French movie Liasons Dangerouses & Michele Pfeiffer wuz supposed to fell in love with him & hes like the ugliest guy in France. He was also a pretty ugly musketeer.
Dam, hes just ugly.
he may be ugly but he still gives me chills especially in ConAir OOOOH I feel like a hyena from the lion king

"oooh...Say it again"
"Moufasa, moufasa, moufasa!"

Actually with the Willy Wonka remake Johnney Depp might actually play it well... I'd like to see what comes of him teaming up with Tim Burton once again. I liked how they did Edward Scissorhands,lets see the outcome of this latest venture. I just don't think anything can live up to the original though no matter how good it turns out. The original had the sweet sentiment you just can't capture with special effects in a remake.
Barbosa: "Thank You Jack."
Jack Sparrow: "...Your Welcome."
Barbosa: "No. We named the monkey Jack."

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Originally Posted by FigNewton

"oooh...Say it again"
"Moufasa, moufasa, moufasa!"
hahaha, I found that very funny

As a kid Roald Dahl was a favourite author, nowadays he is still my favourite author for children's books (although to be fair, I have stopped reading children's books......and that includes the harry potter phenomenon). When this movie is remade and comes out, I'd be one of the first people to go see it
And like that .... he's gone

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Couldn't get the image to post, so I'm just posting a link to it. This outta tickle your fancies...

Chocolate Factory Poster
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Originally Posted by spudracer
Couldn't get the image to post, so I'm just posting a link to it. This outta tickle your fancies...

Chocolate Factory Poster
Jrs is one step ahead of you. Here

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Originally Posted by Yoda
The above was posted over two years ago. Wow.
Yeah. I thought of that the other day when I was looking at pics of Johnny in his Willy Wonka costume. I remember thinking that if anyone could be as eccentric as Gene Wilder, it would be Jonny Depp.
When I heard a rumor that Will Smith wanted the part, I about died. If you look at the pictures in the book...Willy Wonka is the splitting image of Gene Wilder; you can't get any closer of a match. However, I like the idea that the factory can be a better version of itself with the technologies that we have now.
Anyways, thanks for noticing that I predicted the goodness of Depp playing Wonka, I was wondering that myself.
Ya got me feelin' hella good so let's just keep on dancin'

Doesn't Depp look quite queer as Wonka?

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by Charismasloverno5
Doesn't Depp look quite queer as Wonka?
Indeed he does. Although if your implying queer as in homosexual i'd have to say yes also, but thats only because Willy Wonker has always been a little....fabulous. Depp does look quite strange in that picture tho. Granted we cant see a lot of his face but when i first saw it i thought he looked more like a vampire. A Willy Wonker Vampire....now theres nightmare material. Goodbye chocolate river, hello RIVER OF BLOOOOD!
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Johnny Depp will be great as wonka i reckon!!!