Movie You're Watching Tonight


Just downloaded a movie today called, 'In a Violent Nature.' It's a slasher film that actually received very solid reviews according to Wiki. What's different about this slasher movie is most of it is filmed from the killer's perspective. Hoping it's good. I really had to do some hardcore negotiating in order for my wife to watch this this evening since she is NOT a fan of slasher films.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

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Under Paris, 10/10. Strong John West vibe...

Did you watch it?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Did you watch it?
Yes, I did (I rarely add anything here I don’t then watch). Really wanted a dubbed version — I know that’s uncouth, but I prefer them to subtitles. Tried some rare films websites (the pirate ones that shan’t be mentioned). In the end I had to watch it entirely in Japanese without subtitles (I suppose that’s poetic justice but the dialogue probably isn’t key). For the most part, I found it… incredibly hot?

I’m beyond help, I know. But here I am, wanting a red dress and to be able to tie such perfect nautical knots. Who knew.

I found it… incredibly hot?
Tssk, tssk. Do you want to tell me you're into this lusty, sinful stuff? Find Jesus.

But here I am, wanting a red dress and to be able to tie such perfect nautical knots.
You want to wear a red dress while tying perfect nautical knots? Well, to each their own.

Tssk, tssk. Do you want to tell me you're into this lusty, sinful stuff? Find Jesus.
I wouldn’t do any of it, but a girl can watch. That’s what art is for.

Jesus and I… are not on good terms.

Hmm, all people with good taste hate/don't care about The Princess Bride. All normies love it. Should I watch it?

I've been picking the movies quite a bit lately and my wife has decided she is selecting tonight's film. She picked out 'Shall We Dance,' the 1996 Japanese remake.

Let's see what this movie has to offer

Feeling terrible since yesterday, so not sure I’ll actually go watch this. We shall see.

Really liked it (which was to be expected, to be fair). I think I loved X from the get-go, whereas this one I just really liked, so not quite there. Some bits of it were just fantastic though, especially the clothes and the street atmosphere. Maybe a little bit too meta to give that proper horror feeling, but I loved the music and the vibe, and the wholly positive, non-cheesy, upward ending (so rare these days). Debicki also fit in well, I thought. Thought I was imagining Kevin Bacon, but no, this was him.