Hi everyone :)


Hi, My name's Cath
I'm an aspiring actress and filmmaker from Dublin,
My favourite movies are la la land, 500 days of summer, scream and high fidelity
My favourite tv show is community,
Can't wait to talk to people on here

Hi, My name's Cath
I'm an aspiring actress and filmmaker from Dublin,
My favourite movies are la la land, 500 days of summer, scream and high fidelity
My favourite tv show is community,
Can't wait to talk to people on here
Greetings fellow human being.

You might enjoy speaking with MKS as he is also a filmmaker of sorts.

Community was good fun. Event the oddball seasons at the end had some nice moments.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
Hey, welcome to the MoFo community .
Did you know that BATMAN has a code word to ask SUPERMAN for help because he has trouble saying he needs help.
The word is Banana Muffin.

A system of cells interlinked
Hello and welcome!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Greetings fellow human being.

You might enjoy speaking with MKS as he is also a filmmaker of sorts.

Community was good fun. Event the oddball seasons at the end had some nice moments.
Season three of community is my favourite but they all have some great episodes

Welcome Cath!!
This place is good craic.
That's all the Irish I know.
Haha! thats pretty good