THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again


Yep, ol' Pops threw us a curveball with this nomination. As Tak has already said, how do you rate this?
(And don't fret about having nominated something that wasn't fun. I was not aware of this film and am glad to have seen it.)

This can be filed among other films like Last Tango in Paris or Clownhouse, in that their objectionable qualities are not necessarily evident unless one is aware of the film's backstory. I would not include something like Birth of a Nation in this list because in that case the gross stuff IS on-screen. But if you were raised in an igloo in Siberia and knew nothing about world history, this film would no doubt appear harmless at best and boring at worst. So is it "bad"?

What's going to stick with me the longest is that the only real moments of seemingly sincere happiness depicted here were in some of the scenes featuring very young children, no doubt because they did not understand the severity of their situation. (which was heartbreaking) Everyone over the age of 12, however, had this look of resignation on their face, even if they were technically smiling, as if there was a gun pointing at them from behind the camera. Which there may have been. So if this film failed in any way technically speaking, it's that it did not convince me that this was a village full of happy people. Granted, I'm bringing almost a century of hindsight with me so maybe I'm projecting, but the crowd at that football match did not seem to be enjoying themselves as much as you'd expect.

The good news is that virtually no one got to see this so it was not allowed to have any real impact, but the fact that these folks were forced to betray their own self-interest by participating in this only to be killed shortly after is just adding another tragic insult to injury.

I gotta say I was not expecting the bad movie challenge to involve so much thinking.

PS, just to head off any potential arguments: Yes, the Last Tango thing also happens on screen but for the first 40 years of my life I was led to believe it was fictional/consensual. One can certainly find the scene objectionable as is, but if I'd never read anything about the incident I could've continued to blissfully believe that everything was fine. Also, I've never seen Last Tango in Paris.
Hey Cap'n Scary-pants! Is this your review? If so could you, start your reviews with the title of the movie. It would make it easier to judge whether you have made your contribution or not. Thanks

Hey Cap'n Scary-pants! Is this your review? If so could you, start your reviews with the title of the movie. It would make it easier to judge whether you have made your contribution or not. Thanks
I didn't know how to spell it and was ashamed to admit it.
j/k, I fixed it
Captain's Log
My Collection

Theresienstadt (1944)
Of course, it is evil because…Nazis, prisoners, and genocide. But the photography and the editing were quite good. The guy who made this knew his stuff. The music interested me. I believe every piece in this film was created by a Jewish composer.
I only recognized the two most popular pieces Bei Mir Bis Du Schoen and The Can Can dance music. Bei Mir Bis Du Schon was a giant hit at the time of the Third Reich in Germany and the rest of the world. It was a swing tune and that was verboten because it was considered degenerate music by the Nazis. But it is one of the catchiest and most enjoyable songs ever. It is right up there, in my estimation with The Lion Sleeps Tonight or Uyimbube, another worldwide hit. This time out of South Africa. The Can Can is by Jacques Offenbach, a Nineteenth century, German Jewish, composer of comic operettas and everybody is familiar with that, I think.
This will not be the winner for me. Despite the fact that it is a propaganda film by the Nazis and a lie about the treatment of the Jews. The filmmaker, himself photographed the people and chose the music with love affection.

Here is your third offering Leap (2010). This is part two of a serial, If you can imagine that.
It's the first of the trilogy, right? We watched the sequel, Leap: Rise of the Beast for a previous Hall of Infamy.

I'm bracing myself for more Parkour-4-Jesus.


This was my nom. I didn't want to see the second one which was nominated for an earlier HoI without having seen the first one. Everything about this movie is total garbage. Even as a long time Christian, I cannot condone this kind of movie being made. Whatever attempts at building the advertised thrills in the short intro are totally betrayed for, believe it or not, boring "parkour sessions which lose any and all charm they may have had when they were introduced in the movie, and lengthy, basic and boring Christian youth group chats. This is supposed to be a movie about the end times, right? I didn't come into this "pre-Apocalypse" movie to have basic Christian groups, I came here to see the thrills that build up to the end times a la The Omen. Even if you don't want this movie to be a horror, at least live up to the "government powers mirroring Biblical prophecy" stuff you're advertising. Any twist and thrill in this movie is sparse and extraordinarily basic. On top of that, the acting as so beyond subpar that the cast can't even properly recreate the Christian youth group sessions that anyone knows they've done in real life! How do you fail THAT badly at something you're doing every week!?

All in all, this is the antithesis of what a movie should be, and everything bad about this movie makes Leap 2: Rise of the Beast look like an EXCITING movie because at least it tries to have some real thrills and plot development. This doesn't try anything but to dork around and preach basic everyman popular Christian tropes. I strongly recommend that if you want a PROPER Christian movie, watch The Prince of Egypt or The passion of Joan of Arc.

As someone who suffers from completionist tendencies, I have to say it's especially cruel to ask me to watch only one part of a series. Well played, Leap nominator!

I gotta remember this.

It's the first of the trilogy, right? We watched the sequel, Leap: Rise of the Beast for a previous Hall of Infamy.

I'm bracing myself for more Parkour-4-Jesus.
I guess I got the wrong end of the stick. I thought it was the sequel.

You might have unwittingly sentenced me to watching the entire Leap franchise.
Well there's only two movies. I think there was supposed to be a third, but it's been 13 years and it's not made.

Now try getting through all the Swan Princess movies movies.

I'm going to try knowing as little as possible when going into this one. I'm curious if it will have similar flaws to God's Not Dead.

I'm going to try knowing as little as possible when going into this one. I'm curious if it will have similar flaws to God's Not Dead.
If it's anything like the second film . . .

Pros: Less coherent (therefore more stupid than hateful), less Kevin Sorbo
Cons: Lots more parkour from people who look like it's the first time they've been asked to leap over a small fence.

I forgot the opening line.
I watched the first Leap before watching the second one for that previous Hall of Infamy (yeah, like that was essential to seeing the second Leap film.) Two out of the three nominations so far I'd already seen - I'm not sure what that says about me.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Leap (2010)

This one kicked my ass, right to the curb. I'm not a member of this HoF but wanted to watch as many as I could...well I could not finish this movie! I made it 20 minutes until they got to the bible study class and I looked at my wife who's watching the movie with me and I said do you want to finish watching this? She said no and I bailed on the movie. In those 20 minutes I can say that the actors were so crappy that I wondered if they tried to act that poorly. I mean anyone should be able to do a better acting job than those people. I wouldn't be surprised if this movie wins this HoF.

I watched the first Leap before watching the second one for that previous Hall of Infamy (yeah, like that was essential to seeing the second Leap film.) Two out of the three nominations so far I'd already seen - I'm not sure what that says about me.

It says that, like me and Tarantino, you believe that watching bad cinema raises awareness of quality in good cinema.