The MoFo Musicals Countdown - Preliminary Thread

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I had no idea I like these many musicals until I put together a ballot... now gon make a song about that.


HEI guys.

Aye, I'll jump in on this.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

This is a difficult list to put together. Many great music movies out there that I love, but many of them are also not really musicals in my opinion. Hmm......

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Here is a friendly reminder to check the year carefully to make sure you vote for the musical you want to vote for. There are two versions of West Side Story, lots of versions of A Star is Born ( only some of which are musicals) and lots of Disney movies have been remade in live action.

If you've already voted, you should have a PM with your ballot on so you can check what you voted for.

There are FOUR days left, so get those ballots in!

Society researcher, last seen in Medici's Florence
Never seen someone to mention The King and I (1956).
Some thoughts about it?
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Never seen someone to mention The King and I (1956).
Some thoughts about it?
I liked the cinematography, the sets and costumes. I didn't find the story or characters all that interesting though. It's still worth a watch.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Never seen someone to mention The King and I (1956).
Some thoughts about it?
I watched it a few weeks ago but didn't write about it. It's a good one and I did review it here on MoFo in the review

Here is a friendly reminder to check the year carefully to make sure you vote for the musical you want to vote for. There are two versions of West Side Story, lots of versions of A Star is Born ( only some of which are musicals) and lots of Disney movies have been remade in live action.
Seconding this!

I'd be VERY surprised if all of the votes for the new (or in some cases, old) versions of these films were intentional, so please check your ballot (you'll have a PM of it in your inbox for posterity). Sometimes we follow-up with people individually but we're crunching on time here and it's a small enough pool that this could make a material difference!

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I'll add my usual warning...Don't wait until the very last minute to send in your ballot. Stuff happens, and it's easy to forget and if you miss the deadline you're screwed.

Never seen someone to mention The King and I (1956).
Some thoughts about it?

I like the music, but I think some parts of the movie drag on a bit too long.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Currently we have 194 different movies from 18 votes. Only 63 meet the criteria of having at least 25 points from at least two voters. I'd really like this to be a top 100 but we definitely need more ballot to make it work. Your vote really does count!

Your countdown needs you!
"I'm headed for the border, it's on my mind
And nothing really matters, I've got to be on time
Look in the view mirror, is he hot on my tracks?
Is he getting nearer? I feel some heat is on my back"

Entertainment log

Thanks for the heads-up. I really hadn't been paying attention to this thread, but when Yoda put up the banner, I got nervous Anyway, I will try to have my ballot in before the weekend ends.
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