Post a Random Fact About Yourself


Of course, none of this is a random fact about myself, so to get on topic, let's see, I've run the NYC marathon twice (20 years ago). Oh, and I never eat bacon.

Back on topic: I can be very hot-tempered. Not as bad as I used to be, but I can definitely still fly off the handle.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

"You're insane!" "I thought I was a Pisces!"
@Ellie @Captain Steel and @Citizen Rules

We still have drive in theatres here in Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area.

I remember going with my older sister and her husband when I was a preteen Then with my own children when I had them.

The Twin Drive-in is still operating in Independence, Missouri.

Back in the early 80s, they always showed movies like the original Mad Max and most films that are now cult classics. My older brothers got to go with their friends.

I think the last movie I have seen there was with my sister, my daughter and my nephew. We went to see Sausage Party.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Ellie @Captain Steel and @Citizen Rules

We still have drive in theatres here in Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area.

I remember going with my older sister and her husband when I was a preteen Then with my own children when I had them.

The Twin Drive-in is still operating in Independence, Missouri.

Back in the early 80s, they always showed movies like the original Mad Max and most films that are now cult classics. My older brothers got to go with their friends.

I think the last movie I have seen there was with my sister, my daughter and my nephew. We went to see Sausage Party.
That looks fun! I'd love to some old cheesy 50s-60s or 70s flicks at a drive-in. I use to go to this theater which is not tore down.

I just realized that if drive-ins had remained a thing, there could have been a huge boon a couple years ago during the pandemic. When most indoor theaters closed, the drive-ins could have had sunset to sunrise movies (since a lot of people didn't have to get up to go to a job anymore) and become the new, old way Americans watched movies... You'd be isolated in your car, or with people that perhaps you already shared a home with.

Heck, to go along with that idea, they could have opened all new drive-in restaurants during the pandemic (where you get waited on and eat in your car)!

Drive-ins would have been perfect for the pandemic.
Is it that people lack vision these days for such things... or just lack money to get such nostalgic operations off the ground?
That happened in the UK. I don't think there were many, but I remember seeing it on the news.

I never use salt as there's already enough salt in food 🤗
With the exception of chips, I'm the same.

Also, I'm not sure where you are (are you Scottish?) but this might help you with something.

Um, random fact about myself.... I think I've started shrinking.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

That happened in the UK. I don't think there were many, but I remember seeing it on the news.

With the exception of chips, I'm the same.

Also, I'm not sure where you are (are you Scottish?) (
Her profile says Lancashire.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Her profile says Lancashire.
I was going to make a joke about avoiding those four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire But much better, I just read this fascinating article about the song 'A Day in the Life'. I think you'll find this interesting:
Royal Albert Hall was ‘furious’ over Beatles lyric, newly discovered documents reveal

Don't hate me for this but I shock everyone with this. I used to be a huge fan of Family Guy. Loved the adult humor and the fact nothing was off-limits.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

Why would that be shocking?

I worked for the same pharmaceutical company several times, by coincidence, and in often-unrelated capacities...

I started working in the cafeteria as a "direct employee" (9 months).

When news came that the cafeteria staff was being outsourced, I applied to the security dept. and got a job there also as a direct employee (7 years).

After that dept. was also outsourced & all the security officers were terminated, I was unemployed for several months. Then I got a call from a former security co-worker who asked if I wanted to come work at a different site where he got a job as a construction contractor security & safety coordinator - I took that job, trained for 3 months, then oversaw the building of a daycare center as the lone safety coordinator at another site, then moved to yet another site under a different manager but had to work as a contractor / temp. employee under the same company that had taken over our former security jobs. (6 years).

The company decided to get rid of all their temp. safety coordinators and I was unemployed again for a few months. I applied to a job I found online in a package design dept. It just happened that this job was for a subsidiary branch of the same company I'd started with (but at yet another location) and once again, they'd only hire me as a temp. (This job lasted only 5 months.)

As soon as that job ended, the temp. agency I'd been hired by found me a position doing data entry in the engineering dept. at the original company I'd started at AND at the original location where I'd worked in the cafeteria, as a security officer and as a safety coordinator. During this stint I went to yet another site that I'd never worked at before. (6 months)

After working odd jobs as a freelancer for a year or so, a guy I did landscaping for asked if I'd like to apply for a proofreading job for the labeling dept. at the place he'd gotten a job as a proofreader. Turns out it was at the same company (!!!), but again I'd have to take the job as a temp. / contractor. (2 years - the parent company had a rule that after 2 years they either had to hire the temp. employee as a direct employee or terminate them - since they had a hiring freeze for direct employees, they terminated me all because of this ridiculous rule).

So: 6 different positions (2 as a direct employee and 4 for three different temp. agencies), over the course of 17 years, at 5 different locations, all for the same parent company, yet with several of the jobs obtained via completely unrelated means.

I worked for the same pharmaceutical company several times, by coincidence, and in often-unrelated capacities...

I started working in the cafeteria as a "direct employee" (9 months).

When news came that the cafeteria staff was being outsourced, I applied to the security dept. and got a job there also as a direct employee (7 years).

After that dept. was also outsourced & all the security officers were terminated, I was unemployed for several months. Then I got a call from a former security co-worker who asked if I wanted to come work at a different site where he got a job as a construction contractor security & safety coordinator - I took that job, trained for 3 months, then oversaw the building of a daycare center as the lone safety coordinator at another site, then moved to yet another site under a different manager but had to work as a contractor / temp. employee under the same company that had taken over our former security jobs. (6 years).

The company decided to get rid of all their temp. safety coordinators and I was unemployed again for a few months. I applied to a job I found online in a package design dept. It just happened that this job was for a subsidiary branch of the same company I'd started with (but at yet another location) and once again, they'd only hire me as a temp. (This job lasted only 5 months.)

As soon as that job ended, the temp. agency I'd been hired by found me a position doing data entry in the engineering dept. at the original company I'd started at AND at the original location where I'd worked in the cafeteria, as a security officer and as a safety coordinator. During this stint I went to yet another site that I'd never worked at before. (6 months)

After working odd jobs as a freelancer for a year or so, a guy I did landscaping for asked if I'd like to apply for a proofreading job for the labeling dept. at the place he'd gotten a job as a proofreader. Turns out it was at the same company (!!!), but again I'd have to take the job as a temp. / contractor. (2 years - the parent company had a rule that after 2 years they either had to hire the temp. employee as a direct employee or terminate them - since they had a hiring freeze for direct employees, they terminated me all because of this ridiculous rule).

So: 6 different positions (2 as a direct employee and 4 for three different temp. agencies), over the course of 17 years, at 5 different locations, all for the same parent company, yet with several of the jobs obtained via completely unrelated means.
Phew, exhausting & I wasn't even there.

Thanks for taking the time, Stirchley. (I don't know what compelled me to write all that!)
I’m surprised you remembered it all. I definitely couldn’t give a breakdown like that.

I’m surprised you remembered it all. I definitely couldn’t give a breakdown like that.
Don't laugh, but it was during my long nights on patrol as a security guard that I started thinking about my "life chronology" (what happened and when). Instead of trying to remember it all, I started writing it down. So, I did consult my life chronology document to remember "what and when."

My paternal grandfather served in the Boer War.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks for taking the time, Stirchley. (I don't know what compelled me to write all that!)
I read all of your post too. But I kept waiting for the part to come up where you worked in that infamous restaurant! You have interesting stories, that's for sure. I could hear more about stuff that happened at any of your jobs.

I read all of your post too. But I kept waiting for the part to come up where you worked in that infamous restaurant! You have interesting stories, that's for sure. I could hear more about stuff that happened at any of your jobs.
You know how they say your resume should only be one page long?
Well, I do have one like that (but it's got gaps in the timeline due to usually short jobs I didn't choose to include).
I typed out my FULL resume of all the jobs I had (trying to edit down their descriptions to the bare minimum using a small font)... it's 4 pages long!

The restaurant, btw, was my first "real" job - started when I was 16 (in 1980) and worked there over the course of about a decade up until the place closed: changed name & owners.

I did have other jobs (both full & part time) during that period where I'd either leave the restaurant temporarily or work there part time in addition to other jobs. The great thing about that place was they always welcomed me back whenever I left, had to change schedules for school or just wanted to work there as a second job!