I could use a little support (living with multiple disabilities)


Hi all,

I normally loathe to talk about myself, but recent events made me feel this is the right time to make an exception to that rule. I am assuming this is the correct section of the forums to post this, as Strichley posted about her broken wrist and, well, this is kind of somewhere in the same ballpark.

I'm a person living with multiple disabilities (I do not wish to go into details at this point, but may disclose a bit further at some future point) and the last year or so has been one of the roughest years of my life. There have been a number of incidents, including one that involves the health of a beloved relative who is in her 80s, that have been deeply and profoundly shattering.

The future looks pretty bleak for me, although I am trying very hard not to lose hope. I would not say I am at the end of my rope, but I do feel as though I've never faced a more trying period in all of my life.

I want you all to know how profoundly grateful I am to have a space where I can come to talk about movies (mostly) and a few other things, like TV shows and other general-interest events such as the Olympics. It really makes my day sometimes just to have the chance to chat with the very friendly folks we have here in the MF. It has made a big difference for me, and for that I am profoundly grateful.

I'm having to fight back tears as I write this, because I do not want to feel like I am pathetic just for reaching out and letting you know that any and all support would be deeply appreciated. I'm usually much more reserved than this, and perhaps I have been too reserved about my personal situation.

If you are non-disabled and in good health, I urge you to cherish each and every day that you get to spend on Earth, because you really don't know what an awesome thing it is when you don't have to deal with potentially life-threatening situations every day of your life. If you are disabled, then know that you are not alone, and I hope to be here to offer some support, as well, to the extent that it is humanly possible.

Most importantly of all, do value you vision, if you have never had to deal with any macular degeneration condition, because there's really nothing quite like being able to watch a beautiful movie and marvel in all of the colors and the amazing sights many of the movies can bring to your life.

I hope you have a blessed day

Sorry to hear you are dealing with health issues and other problems. Life can be tough sometimes. Hang in there. I hope things get better for you and your loved ones. I enjoy your movie posts and reviews. Sending positive/hopeful thoughts/vibes and well wishes.

Sorry to hear you are dealing with health issues and other problems. Life can be tough sometimes. Hang in there. I hope things get better for you and your loved ones. I enjoy your movie posts and reviews. Sending positive/hopeful thoughts/vibes and well wishes.
Much appreciated

Trouble with a capital "T"
FilmBuff I didn't know you had so many issues that you are facing...best wishes for you. I've enjoyed talking to you and the many threads you make give us MoFos a chance to keep ourselves entertained, so thanks for making them

Do you mind if I ask if you are a young person? I assumed you were in your 20s but you mentioned macular degeneration condition which is often common in the elderly. I know someone who has it and receives treatment for it.

Do you mind if I ask if you are a young person? I assumed you were in your 20s but you mentioned macular degeneration condition which is often common in the elderly. I know someone who has it and receives treatment for it.
Thank you for your words of support

In answer to your question, there are conditions like retinitis pigmentosa which affect people of all ages and for which there is currently no medical treatment available.

There is much hope among the visually challenged community that research will eventually lead to a cure for RP, possibly involving gene therapy or something similar.

Sorry to hear this. Hang in there and all the best.

Sorry to hear about this FilmBuff, wishing you well.

I had a relatively minor health issue a couple of years ago and it really opened my eyes. Nothing is more important than feeling ok, and I'm now more appreciative of certain things while being less concerned with other things. My heart goes out to those who have to deal with more serious issues and issues that don't go away. There's not a decent human on earth who wouldn't wish you the best.

I'm a person living with multiple disabilities (I do not wish to go into details at this point, but may disclose a bit further at some future point) and the last year or so has been one of the roughest years of my life. There have been a number of incidents, including one that involves the health of a beloved relative who is in her 80s, that have been deeply and profoundly shattering.

The future looks pretty bleak for me, although I am trying very hard not to lose hope. I would not say I am at the end of my rope, but I do feel as though I've never faced a more trying period in all of my life.
Everyone---whether they are in perfect health or have chronic illness(es) of somewhere in between---has their own personal "normal". Being thrown off of your normal, whatever that is, can be really stressful. And if you're already coping with higher-than-typical stress in your normal state of being, then additional challenges can make you feel like you are underwater.

You are definitely not alone in this. Health issues are particularly hard because so often there is nothing to do, and they are totally out of our control.

You can always share thoughts here, or in PMs. I hope that you have the help of a mental health professional (if that is something you are able to access). I know quite a few people who deal with serious physical disabilities and also mental health issues, so if you are in need of any resources/recommendations, I'd be happy to solicit some advice from them.

Take things one day at a time, one hour at a time, or even ten minutes at a time if you need to. I've been using an app called Finch and it has been really helpful for me. (The "First Aid Kit" has been a lifesaver during some challenging days).

Thank you kindly @cricket and @Takoma11

These are the kind of things that let you know to try your best in life. Learn what makes whatever disabilities you may have "disabilities," tame the cons humbly, and then own the pros proudly. It might take years, but the rewards will be worth it. This is what happened to me when I lost my grandmother a few months ago.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm sorry to hear about this, and I hope things get better for you soon. I've been going through a lot of family stuff recently, so I understand how hard this can be. Sending you good vibes and hugs.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I'm sorry to hear about this, and I hope things get better for you soon. I've been going through a lot of family stuff recently, so I understand how hard this can be. Sending you good vibes and hugs.

Thank you

I’m sorry to read this. I sincerely hope things get better for you.