Things that annoy you...
When I lose something, I try to remember the last place that I saw it, then I act as if I'm putting it away. Usually I end up finding it in the same place that I actually put it away.
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Oof, just about to inquire the meaning of “care credit”, but don’t dare to do so now. 

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Well I blew out a tire on the way to work. This is my second blow out in 31 days. The first one was on New Year's Eve at 4:30 PM. No one wanted to know me. I had to do a lot of calling to find someone open. This time it blew out across the street from a tire store. So things are improving!

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Thanks, gbgoodies! I found my hat. So one down two to go.
You're welcome. Good luck finding your keys and documents.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.
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It's so annoying when movies are available to buy or rent in other countries, but not mine. I'm willing to pay to rent or buy the movie from a legit source and even pay the exchange rate on the listed price, but they won't accept my payment method because it is a Canadian credit card. The world has gotten smaller in a lot of ways with technology, yet so many films are not available to purchase or rent in some countries. If they want to make money and reduce piracy, they need to release more movies all over the world, including Canada. It is not like we are a tiny country in the middle of nowhere! Take my money!
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I have two youngsters under the age of ten and am divorced and disabled and unemployed so I'm stop-gapping with my parents for now, and it mostly works. Except when everyone is tired and I'm the only one who isn't cranky. I'm trying to teach my kiddos not to get angry at things and work out problems and express their grievances calmly. It's really hard for me to do that when my parents snap at them all of the time. My mom tries to rip things out of the younger one's hands, she yells at the older one. My dad yells at them both and says some really stupid shit to them. Then when I'm trying to instruct the children calmly, their grandparents go on attack mode and take control without needing to do so.
The problem is I can't talk to my parents. They don't listen and they are very rigid in how they do things. I figured out why my method of parenting used to be losing my temper; it was the only one way I could get my parents to listen. It took a verbal assault for them to do anything differently, and then I got married to someone who already had two kids, and all she and her mom did was scream and yell at the two kids, so I thought that's what you do, and then wife and MIL would yell at me, so I was confused. Like ex-now-MIL would scream her head off at now-ex-wife's first two kids, and then I'd raise my voice and she'd scream at me.
I'm writing it down so hopefully I don't forget when I have my next two appointments that I can come back and look at my prose, and bring it with me to my appointments. Does it make sense to anyone to yell at someone angrily to stop yelling in anger?
The problem is I can't talk to my parents. They don't listen and they are very rigid in how they do things. I figured out why my method of parenting used to be losing my temper; it was the only one way I could get my parents to listen. It took a verbal assault for them to do anything differently, and then I got married to someone who already had two kids, and all she and her mom did was scream and yell at the two kids, so I thought that's what you do, and then wife and MIL would yell at me, so I was confused. Like ex-now-MIL would scream her head off at now-ex-wife's first two kids, and then I'd raise my voice and she'd scream at me.
I'm writing it down so hopefully I don't forget when I have my next two appointments that I can come back and look at my prose, and bring it with me to my appointments. Does it make sense to anyone to yell at someone angrily to stop yelling in anger?
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!
I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!
I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.
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Does it make sense to anyone to yell at someone angrily to stop yelling in anger?
No. Yelling at someone who's yelling will just make them yell louder.
You have to try to stay calm. If you stay calm, it's harder for them to continue yelling at you.
Everyone is different so it's not a guarantee, but I've done this most of my life when someone is yelling, and it usually works to calm them down.
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No. Yelling at someone who's yelling will just make them yell louder.
You have to try to stay calm. If you stay calm, it's harder for them to continue yelling at you.
Everyone is different so it's not a guarantee, but I've done this most of my life when someone is yelling, and it usually works to calm them down.
You have to try to stay calm. If you stay calm, it's harder for them to continue yelling at you.
Everyone is different so it's not a guarantee, but I've done this most of my life when someone is yelling, and it usually works to calm them down.
I get it though; when energies are high it's easier to match the high energy than force a low energy. At the same time that is something I have learned how to do. It takes effort at first. Now it's hard for me to get angry. I'm okay with that. Being angry sucks.
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That's how I approach it. Lately I've been keeping evenkeeled when dealing with the children when they're being difficult. Then my parents are pissed off. Sometimes my parents just go to bed and "make" me (like I was trying to do in the first place) put them to bed. It takes all of five minutes because I don't raise my voice and I don't scold. I simply tell the kiddos it's time for bed. We do our checklist, and then they're in bed.
I get it though; when energies are high it's easier to match the high energy than force a low energy. At the same time that is something I have learned how to do. It takes effort at first. Now it's hard for me to get angry. I'm okay with that. Being angry sucks.
I get it though; when energies are high it's easier to match the high energy than force a low energy. At the same time that is something I have learned how to do. It takes effort at first. Now it's hard for me to get angry. I'm okay with that. Being angry sucks.
It sounds like you're already doing it right. There's not much more you can do, so hopefully it will work out better as time goes on.
Good luck.
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It's so annoying when movies are available to buy or rent in other countries, but not mine. I'm willing to pay to rent or buy the movie from a legit source and even pay the exchange rate on the listed price, but they won't accept my payment method because it is a Canadian credit card. The world has gotten smaller in a lot of ways with technology, yet so many films are not available to purchase or rent in some countries. If they want to make money and reduce piracy, they need to release more movies all over the world, including Canada. It is not like we are a tiny country in the middle of nowhere! Take my money!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.
I’m a bit confused. Are you talking about the different regions? Because I can’t watch any British movies without using a region-free dvd player. I’ve never heard of a credit card being denied from another country.
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You're welcome. Good luck finding your keys and documents.
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I found my work keys!
(Hey, can I just call you bubble for short?)
Annoying: when people give you nicknames you didn't ask for.
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Congratulations, beelzebubble!
(Hey, can I just call you bubble for short?)
Annoying: when people give you nicknames you didn't ask for.
(Hey, can I just call you bubble for short?)
Annoying: when people give you nicknames you didn't ask for.

5-time MoFo Award winner.
5-time MoFo Award winner.
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Lots of rain today. Got to work to find a big puddle of water on the lobby floor. Had to clean it up and now have a bucket there to catch the water. This has been happening every time we get a bad storm for a few years now. We keep telling the landlord and they keep doing jack shit about it.
Edit: Another leak started in the lobby, so now we have two buckets catching the water.
Edit: Another leak started in the lobby, so now we have two buckets catching the water.

Last edited by Miss Vicky; 02-04-25 at 02:25 PM.
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I have a real aversion to constant anger. Actually I kind of have an aversion to anger of any length of time nowadays. Now someone I know is dealing with her anger issues in the worst way; my ex-wife's mom has been in and out of the hospital for a couple years because her health has gone to pots after being so angry all of the time. She complains of exhaustion and chest pain and disorientation and breathing issues and severe headaches, and all sorts of things that happen when you're angry all of the time that I don't remember at the moment.
I used to get migraines about twice a week when I was married, and now I get them once a month, if that, because the angry stress is gone. Unfortunately my dad gets angry a lot too. He's pissed tonight for some reason and it's really irritating. After being an angry person myself, seeing things without fury is so much more pleasing. It doesn't mean I'm always happy. I am, however, rarely angry.
I'm pretty sure kids hide things when the person in charge gets pissed when the child does something uncouth. My ex's oldest has medical issues, and his grandmother always got pissed at him for it, so he's spent like 15 years lying about it because he doesn't want to get in trouble for it. Now my youngest has a medical issue, and he denies it because he doesn't want people yelling at him. I won't yell at him for it. My parents sure enjoy doing it though. It's so irritating.
Another part that sucks is I have to come here to tell anyone immediately about the issue. I have professional people in place and I talk to them in detail when I see them. It'd just be nice to actually have someone I know I could talk to about these things in a quicker pace.
I used to get migraines about twice a week when I was married, and now I get them once a month, if that, because the angry stress is gone. Unfortunately my dad gets angry a lot too. He's pissed tonight for some reason and it's really irritating. After being an angry person myself, seeing things without fury is so much more pleasing. It doesn't mean I'm always happy. I am, however, rarely angry.
I'm pretty sure kids hide things when the person in charge gets pissed when the child does something uncouth. My ex's oldest has medical issues, and his grandmother always got pissed at him for it, so he's spent like 15 years lying about it because he doesn't want to get in trouble for it. Now my youngest has a medical issue, and he denies it because he doesn't want people yelling at him. I won't yell at him for it. My parents sure enjoy doing it though. It's so irritating.
Another part that sucks is I have to come here to tell anyone immediately about the issue. I have professional people in place and I talk to them in detail when I see them. It'd just be nice to actually have someone I know I could talk to about these things in a quicker pace.
Last edited by I_Wear_Pants; 4 weeks ago at 11:17 PM.
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Lots of rain today. Got to work to find a big puddle of water on the lobby floor. Had to clean it up and now have a bucket there to catch the water. This has been happening every time we get a bad storm for a few years now. We keep telling the landlord and they keep doing jack shit about it.
Edit: Another leak started in the lobby, so now we have two buckets catching the water.
Edit: Another leak started in the lobby, so now we have two buckets catching the water.

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