Well, it's good to see Prince of Egypt made the list. I haven't seen it in a while but I truly enjoyed it. Epic stuff.
Well, it's sad to see On the Town so low on the list because it's my #1 musical! I love the film and enjoyed the songs, dancing, and performances. I can remember "New York, New York" by heart and it's probably my favorite musical number of all time, "Come Up to My Place" being a close second. Kelly, Sinatra, and Jules Munshin were all great and Munshin made another film on my list as well. Betty Garrett, Ann Miller, and Vera-Ellen (wowsers!) were all great, but special mention must go to Alice Pearce (the first Gladys Gravitz from Bewitched) for her role in the movie also. I can watch this one over and over. I considered another Sinatra and Kelly musical that's somewhat similar but it just can't compare to On the Town.
And Thursday Next, I'm really digging your work on the countdown.
So far:
#1. On the Town
#25. Neptune's Daughter (one-pointer)
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."
Last edited by dadgumblah; 10-09-24 at 08:39 PM.