The MoFo Top 100 Musicals Countdown

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I haven't seen Prince of Egypt. I had no idea it was a musical.

I've seen On the Town, and it was good, but not my cup of tea.

I think I screwed up too. I love Prince of Egypt and think it's great. But it was not on my ballot... must've been a mistake from my side.

I have not seen On the Town but Gene Kelly is of course amazing at what he does and Singin' in the Rain is one of my favorite musicals. So I should probably get it watched,

I forgot the opening line.
I'm not too up on The Prince of Egypt, and although I've seen Anchors Aweigh I haven't seen On the Town (which to me, on it's surface, has always looked like the same movie.)

Trying to keep count - Seen 3/8, On My Radar 2/8, Never Heard of 3/8
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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Well, it's good to see Prince of Egypt made the list. I haven't seen it in a while but I truly enjoyed it. Epic stuff.

Well, it's sad to see On the Town so low on the list because it's my #1 musical! I love the film and enjoyed the songs, dancing, and performances. I can remember "New York, New York" by heart and it's probably my favorite musical number of all time, "Come Up to My Place" being a close second. Kelly, Sinatra, and Jules Munshin were all great and Munshin made another film on my list as well. Betty Garrett, Ann Miller, and Vera-Ellen (wowsers!) were all great, but special mention must go to Alice Pearce (the first Gladys Gravitz from Bewitched) for her role in the movie also. I can watch this one over and over. I considered another Sinatra and Kelly musical that's somewhat similar but it just can't compare to On the Town.

And Thursday Next, I'm really digging your work on the countdown.

So far:
#1. On the Town
#25. Neptune's Daughter (one-pointer)
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Trouble with a capital "T"
....Well, it's sad to see On the Town so low on the list because it's my #1 musical! I love the film and enjoyed the songs, dancing, and performances. I can remember "New York, New York" by heart and it's probably my favorite musical number of all time, "Come Up to My Place" being a close second. Kelly, Sinatra, and Jules Munshin were all great and Munshin made another film on my list as well. Betty Garrett, Ann Miller, and Vera-Ellen (wowsers!) were all great, but special mention must go to Alice Pearce (the first Gladys Gravitz from Bewitched) for her role in the movie also. I can watch this one over and over. I considered another Sinatra and Kelly musical that's somewhat similar but it just can't compare to On the Town...
So I have you to thank for me watching On The Town last night and loving it I'm trying to catch the classic era musicals that I haven't seen recently as they make the countdown. If you hadn't voted this your #1, it would have received 25 less points and not made the countdown. That's how important voting is! I had seen Anchors Aweigh right before I sent in my ballot but didn't have time to get to On the Town...But I'm very happy it made the countdown, so a big thanks to you and the two other people who voted for it.

Bleh that's like four people, including me, who forgot The Prince of Egypt. It coulda made the top 50! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Well at least it's on the list. Could be worse. Could be a near miss.

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Well at least it's on the list. Could be worse. Could be a near miss.
Agree. I don't care about placement, just the fact that movies I like place is fine by me.


Ken Russell, 1975


Oliver Reed, Ann-Margret, Roger Daltrey, Elton John


Dexter Fletcher, 2019


Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell, Richard Madden, Bryce Dallas Howard

I loved Rocketman, but it just missed my ballot. Glad it made the countdown. I have been meaning to see Tommy for a while now, but have never got around to it yet.

Seen: 7/10

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've never seen Tommy. Maybe I'd catch it to see Ann Margret.

I did watch Rocketman for the Group Watch, it was better than I expected. I wrote this about it:

When I was in 7th grade my parents gave me their old stereo. I had three albums that I'd bought with my own money: Gladys Night & The Pips 'Greatest Hits', Linda Ronstadt 'Simple Dreams' and Elton John's 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road'. By the time I was a bit older I moved onto 'album rock' bands like Queen, Styx and Heart. I didn't really follow Elton's career or music , though I remember being glued to this new cable channel that played music that was set to videos. Yes back in the early 80s MTV played music videos and me and my friends would watch and wait for our favorite music videos to play. So I got a big kick out of seeing the last scene of the movie when I instantly remembered the music video for 'I'm Still Standing'. I remembered every shot of that music video sequence, which is amazing as I never did like that song or the video, but MTV sure played it alot.

I was never planning on watching Rocketman even though I did enjoy Bohemian Rhapsody quite a bit. However I did end up liking Rocketman and I think the music was integrated into the film in a very spectacular & creative way that impressed me. I didn't realize that Elton John had been such a self centered ass. I guess when one listens to the heartfelt lyrics of his songs, one images Elton a little more saintly than he appeared in the movie. But I'll give Elton John who served as executive producer credit for letting all his warts be seen. I'll give him even more credit for portraying his friend and song writer Bernie Taupin in such a loving positive manner.

Glad I watched this, not a favorite but still good

I thought Rocketman was okay, but didn't like it enough to give it a vote. I'm not a fan of The Who, so I've never bothered with Tommy.

i had the smiling lieutenant at #9. the kind of delightfully ribald pre-code comedy that lubitsch was just effortlessly churning out back then.

on the town was my #19. while not the best or most artful of the freed unit productions, you could argue it’s one of the most fun.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

I've never seen Tommy. Maybe I'd catch it to see Ann Margret.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Seen: 3 out of 10
Cinderella, Amadeus, Tommy

On my ballot: 2
Cinderella (#5), Tommy (#15)

Rock classics, eh? Nice pairing, although it would be perfect if the other was Bohemian Rhapsody. Haven't seen Tommy as I only liked the album well enough, but Rocketman is nearly perfect in it's storytelling and style. My only concern, as I've stated time and again, is that Egerton doesn't sound a thing like Elton, and you SHOULD get someone who does a good imitation a la Rami Malek and Val Kilmer. Nevertheless, this was my #16.

Seen 4/10
Voted for 2.

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