The 2024 MoFo Film Awards - Nominations


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I haven't been able to really watch anything this past week, but now that I have the time, I have no idea what I want to watch haha.

It feels like I haven't seen many foreign films in 2024, and I'd like to rectify that, but I don't really have any on my watchlist either. Suggestions are very much welcome!
I would also recommend Black Box Diaries, an Oscar nominated Japanese documentary.

I would also recommend Black Box Diaries, an Oscar nominated Japanese documentary.
I'd heard of that one awhile ago and considered checking it out, but I have a really hard time sitting through documentaries.

Perhaps I'll try to make more of an effort this year though. I do feel bad never nominating anything in that category.

Are films released exclusively on streamers eligible?

Films like:
Emilia Perez (I presume between Cannes and Toronto, this is OK?)
Rebel Ridge

What counts as a "breakout" performance? I could use some FYCs y'all.

And are we having Saldana for supporting or lead?

The trick is not minding
Are films released exclusively on streamers eligible?

Films like:
Emilia Perez (I presume between Cannes and Toronto, this is OK?)
Rebel Ridge
Emilia Perez was released theatrically in other countries, mainly Europe.
It also received a limited release here in the US.

What counts as a "breakout" performance? I could use some FYCs y'all.
For me, it's always been a memorable performance from a new or relatively unknown actor who had not been in consideration for any awards before.

It doesn't have to be one of the main roles in the film either. Carlos Diehz didn't have a lot of screen time in Conclave, for example, but he did a great job, and certainly more eyes will be on him now because of that.

I probably don't have time to submit a full list. But these films were my stand outs last year:

Sing Sing
Io Capitano
Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry
La Chimera
Only the River Flows
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person
National Anthem
The Teacher's Lounge
Disco Boy
This Closeness

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
@CosmicRunaway Could I get a ruling on Green Border? I’m begging to put my list together. Please and thank you.

@CosmicRunaway Could I get a ruling on Green Border? I’m begging to put my list together. Please and thank you.
I just looked at the release info for it, and think it's eligible. I'll add it to the 2023/2024 films in the first post as well!

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
I just looked at the release info for it, and think it's eligible. I'll add it to the 2023/2024 films in the first post as well!
Thank you. That was supposed to be beginning to put my list together. Not *begging. Little Freudian slip there. 😀

My nominations are in! I don't have much hope for many of my nominations, but I had to vote with my heart.

The categories of my long shot votes are mostly:

1. Niche horror movies
2. Queer allegories
3. Queer allegories that are also niche horror movies

My nominations are usually filled with a lot of "long shots" as well. It always makes me happy when other people vote for them as well, even if they don't quite make it into the category.

In categories where votes are spread thin across a variety of different nominations, sometimes all it takes is a couple people ranking something really high for it to make it as well. So always vote with your heart!

Society researcher, last seen in Medici's Florence
Ballot submitted. Really meagre year. Hardly found something decent. Half of things I nominated are just OK, nothing more.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.