What was the last movie you saw at the theaters?
Spidey 3
it was alright, kinda in keeping with the other 2

it was alright, kinda in keeping with the other 2
We live and learn...then die and forget it all...
We live and learn...then die and forget it all...

Spoiler Alert:
If you were in love with someone who was dead on that ship, wouldn't you want to be with them and dead too? Unless y'all wanted to have kids or something.
I mean one day every seven years is not nearly enough.
If you were in love with someone who was dead on that ship, wouldn't you want to be with them and dead too? Unless y'all wanted to have kids or something.
I mean one day every seven years is not nearly enough.
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knocked up it was so funny!!!!!!!!!!!
Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.
Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.
im most likely finally seeing The Aviator later today. so i was wondering what was the last movie you all saw in the movie Theater. before this it was Coach Carter
knocked up
it was seriously the funniest movie i had ever seen
i actually laughed out loud(i have never done that at a movie before) im going 2 buy it when it comes out on DVD fer sure!!
the pregnancy scene was fricken hilarious
it was seriously the funniest movie i had ever seen
i actually laughed out loud(i have never done that at a movie before) im going 2 buy it when it comes out on DVD fer sure!!
the pregnancy scene was fricken hilarious
Evan Allmighty
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1408. It's good. really good.
"Rule number one. Any more sh*t and you lose a thumb.
"Rule number one. Any more sh*t and you lose a thumb.
1408. It's good. really good.
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So how did you like it? Did you end up comparing it to Bruce Almighty when you left the theater?
However, Evan Almighty was almost as good which surprised me a lot. The kids and I really enjoyed it.
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Saw 1408 last night. Solid film. . John Cusack was fantastic; I'd certainly recommend it.
Review here.
Review here.
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Die Hard 4 is fu*king horrible.
But I am glad I went to the midnight show. Now this awful chapter is behind me and I can immediately start the process of never seeing it again as long as I live.

Live Free or Die Hard (2007 - Len Wiseman)
Believe me, I realize the Die Hard flicks are not documentaries. But the reason the first film is so great and holds up so well is that while it's all preposterous, it's clever and funny and fun. And within the movie realm of preposterous, the first movie doesn't ask you to suspend your disbelief too often. Die Hard 2 tried to capture the wit and fun of the first film, and while it's not anywhere as tight or amusing it works as an early '90s action flick. The third movie, Die Hard with a Vengeance, at least got back to more of the tone of the first one, even if the ridiculous level of the plotting and final round of stunts was cranked up a few notches beyond belief. Plus the addition of Sam Jackson so that ol' John McClane wasn't just making wisecracks to himself and the occasional baddie was a welcome dynamic.
To say Live Free or Die Hard is preposterous is an understatement. It makes Die Hard 2 look like a John Cassavetes movie. Stunt after stunt and explosion after explosion go so far beyond the laws of physics - even bullsh!t movie physics like the original film, that if you saw them in one of the Spider-Man flicks you'd be shaking your head at how silly they are. That these are supposed to be human beings in New Jersey, Washington, D.C., Baltimore and West Virginia making leaps and surviving blasts that would kill Batman is simply asking way too much. Way too much of me, anyway.
So on the pyrotechnics and action genre level alone, it's just plain bad. Now add a plot about a cyberterrorist shutting down the country by computer, and it's even more turds on the steaming pile. The "character" stuff is basically non existent and adds absolutely nothing new to McClane. The bad guy played by Timothy Olyphant ("Deadwood", Go, The Safety of Objects) is cardboard. Justin Long (Dodgeball, the "I'm a Mac" commercials) as the unwitting sidekick and computer wiz tries to add something, but given the off the charts impossibility of what's going on around him, there's simply nothing to ground his low key humor and bewilderment to. The chick playing McClane's in-jeopardy-daughter is superfluous. Kevin Smith does his darndest to add three or four minutes of comic relief to the center of this noisy, stupid mess, but it never comes off as anything other than a stuntcasting wink and a nod to movie geeks. The evil henchmen/woman including Maggie Q, Cliff Curtis, Yorgo Constantine and Cyril Raffaelli have no personalities...other than the fact that Raffaelli's goon is apparently on loan from The Matrix and can do impossible gymnastics and survive almost as many seven story falls onto concrete as McClane.
The one liners just about all fall flat, what's worse the straight "dramatic" lines are often groaners, the plot manages to get more ludicrous as it clunks along, and the explosions and punishment they've survived by the halfway point in the film were already enough to have me rolling my eyes and bored...and they were nothing compared to the cartoon garbage that comes in the second hour. Directed by Underworld's Len Wiseman, it might just as well been Renny Harlin, Joel Schumacher, Michael Bay, McG or any other of these boring hacks who in spite of (or maybe because of) technical prowess couldn't tell an interesting, compelling or even remotely plausible story if they had loaded guns to their heads.
This is not intentional self-parody or a wry comment on the action movie. It's lazy and cheap and duller than dishwater and a shame. All in all, a disaster. So I'm sure it'll make $500-million.
Die Hard (1988), A-
Die Hard 2 (1990), C-
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995), B-
Live Free or Die Hard (2007), D-
But I am glad I went to the midnight show. Now this awful chapter is behind me and I can immediately start the process of never seeing it again as long as I live.

Live Free or Die Hard (2007 - Len Wiseman)
Believe me, I realize the Die Hard flicks are not documentaries. But the reason the first film is so great and holds up so well is that while it's all preposterous, it's clever and funny and fun. And within the movie realm of preposterous, the first movie doesn't ask you to suspend your disbelief too often. Die Hard 2 tried to capture the wit and fun of the first film, and while it's not anywhere as tight or amusing it works as an early '90s action flick. The third movie, Die Hard with a Vengeance, at least got back to more of the tone of the first one, even if the ridiculous level of the plotting and final round of stunts was cranked up a few notches beyond belief. Plus the addition of Sam Jackson so that ol' John McClane wasn't just making wisecracks to himself and the occasional baddie was a welcome dynamic.
To say Live Free or Die Hard is preposterous is an understatement. It makes Die Hard 2 look like a John Cassavetes movie. Stunt after stunt and explosion after explosion go so far beyond the laws of physics - even bullsh!t movie physics like the original film, that if you saw them in one of the Spider-Man flicks you'd be shaking your head at how silly they are. That these are supposed to be human beings in New Jersey, Washington, D.C., Baltimore and West Virginia making leaps and surviving blasts that would kill Batman is simply asking way too much. Way too much of me, anyway.
So on the pyrotechnics and action genre level alone, it's just plain bad. Now add a plot about a cyberterrorist shutting down the country by computer, and it's even more turds on the steaming pile. The "character" stuff is basically non existent and adds absolutely nothing new to McClane. The bad guy played by Timothy Olyphant ("Deadwood", Go, The Safety of Objects) is cardboard. Justin Long (Dodgeball, the "I'm a Mac" commercials) as the unwitting sidekick and computer wiz tries to add something, but given the off the charts impossibility of what's going on around him, there's simply nothing to ground his low key humor and bewilderment to. The chick playing McClane's in-jeopardy-daughter is superfluous. Kevin Smith does his darndest to add three or four minutes of comic relief to the center of this noisy, stupid mess, but it never comes off as anything other than a stuntcasting wink and a nod to movie geeks. The evil henchmen/woman including Maggie Q, Cliff Curtis, Yorgo Constantine and Cyril Raffaelli have no personalities...other than the fact that Raffaelli's goon is apparently on loan from The Matrix and can do impossible gymnastics and survive almost as many seven story falls onto concrete as McClane.
The one liners just about all fall flat, what's worse the straight "dramatic" lines are often groaners, the plot manages to get more ludicrous as it clunks along, and the explosions and punishment they've survived by the halfway point in the film were already enough to have me rolling my eyes and bored...and they were nothing compared to the cartoon garbage that comes in the second hour. Directed by Underworld's Len Wiseman, it might just as well been Renny Harlin, Joel Schumacher, Michael Bay, McG or any other of these boring hacks who in spite of (or maybe because of) technical prowess couldn't tell an interesting, compelling or even remotely plausible story if they had loaded guns to their heads.
This is not intentional self-parody or a wry comment on the action movie. It's lazy and cheap and duller than dishwater and a shame. All in all, a disaster. So I'm sure it'll make $500-million.
Die Hard (1988), A-
Die Hard 2 (1990), C-
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995), B-
Live Free or Die Hard (2007), D-
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra
Last edited by Holden Pike; 06-27-07 at 12:19 PM.
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Die Hard 4
is fu*king horrible.
We saw Die Hard 4 today with our group of teens. It's a great little action flick if you are into it. Thank goodness the stunt people had this film to work in. LOL
Where else are you going to see a car fly up into the air and hit a helicopter?
Or a double stacked plus semi driving full speed while an aircraft shoots out the highway beneath it?
Or a car in an elevator shaft?
Not to mention, Bruce Willis, a hot Asian chick kicking ass in heels*, some funny lines, and so on . . .
*ok so you can see that in a lot of movies but it never gets old.
Where else are you going to see a car fly up into the air and hit a helicopter?
Or a double stacked plus semi driving full speed while an aircraft shoots out the highway beneath it?
Or a car in an elevator shaft?
Not to mention, Bruce Willis, a hot Asian chick kicking ass in heels*, some funny lines, and so on . . .
*ok so you can see that in a lot of movies but it never gets old.
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